Monday, February 8, 2010

What is Written

There are some things in life that are often taken for granted. A sunset. A meal. Our health. It is not that we don't appreciate them, it is just that we are so used to them being there for us. Yet, at any time, if any of these underated blessings were instantly removed from us, there is a good possibility that would be devastated.

Among these great blessings, often forgotten, is God's written word. Again, it is not that we do not love the Bible. It is not that we never read the Bible. It is not that we don't know that it is what saves us and what will judge us in the end. It is simply that we do not contemplate often enough the power and the influence of the Holy Spirit's written word.

In the realm of religion the Bible is used, but by the majority this use is abuse. The Bible is used for speculation. The Bible is used to justify human activity. The Bible is used to support causes. The Bible is used as a spare tire, only when people are in trouble. The Bible is used like an epiphany, a genie, and a myth.

What I am finding, day by day, is that the simple and unchanging word of God has become my strength. The commands have built my fortress. The accounts of its history have become my heritage. The love of God, communicated within its pages has become my heartbeat. The story of Jesus has become my theme.

There is nothing more important in life, than to take some time to read what God has written. There will be many things I will regret doing in my lifetime. But one thing I know for certain, I will never regret even one second I have spent in God's Holy Word.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith." ~ Romans 1:16-17

1 comment:

  1. I read ever posting but seldom comment. I keep looking for a daily post, but I also know that time probably a factor.
    Tom Stanford
