Sunday, August 5, 2007

Recognizing the Truth

Abraham Lincoln, while still an attourney, was once receiving a court-room challenge from an obstinate opponent. So Lincoln asked him, "How many legs does a cow have?" "Four," was the quick reply. Lincoln continued, "Well what if you were to call the cow's tail a leg, how many legs would the cow have then?" "Well, five," said the arguer quickly. Lincoln ended, "See this is where you are wrong. The cow has four legs. Just because you call a cow's tail a leg, that doesn't make it a leg."
People call a lot of things by different names. One of the most important keys to understanding the actual truth is to remove the attributed names of man and see an object for what it is in reality. I believe firmly that what the majority of the world calls "Faith," "Christianity", "Church", or "Religion" stands a far cry away from the actual definitions of these words. How do we see the truth about these issues? Remove man's label and look at the object in its purest form. If you want to know the true definition of these words, go to the source - the original place of these terms. Consult the Bible!
"If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:31-32)

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