Saturday, February 16, 2008


There is a word that is probably the most important word in our language. Especially for young people, this word must be used often and with emphasis. It will make the difference. It will keep one pure and save one from years of tears. The word is, "No!"

Joseph had been betrayed by his own family. He had been sold as a slave, but he became ruler over Potiphar's household. Potiphar's wife fell in love with Joseph. She waited until nobody would know, to entice him to have sex with her. Joseph probably could have gotten involved without Potiphar or anyone else but God knowing. But Joseph said, No!"

Ruth had lost her husband. Her mother-in-law told her she could go home and seek another husband. She owed nothing to Naomi. But she loved her mother-in-law. She refused to leave her without help and without hope. Naomi told her to leave and start over. But Ruth said, "No!"

Moses had been saved by Pharaoh's daughter. He was raised in Egypt and enjoyed the finest food, clothes, shelter, and education. When he grew up he was forced to make a choice. In order to continue on the house of Pharaoh, he would have to deny his Hebrew heritage. He would have to give up the one true God for the polytheism of the Egyptians. He could have been rich, powerful, and famous in one of the greatest kingdom's in the world. He could have enjoyed the passing pleasures of sin. But Moses said, "No."

He was entitled a king, but only in jest. He was a servant to all. He was a master teacher. He was a friend to the friendless. He was more powerful than the oceans, yet more humble than the least of men. He was spat upon, and struck with fists. People lied to commit him to his death. He was scourged until his organs were visible. A crown of thorns was twisted into his skull until blood ran down his face. As he hung between two thieves, he was given the opporunity to show his true identity. They said, "Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God! Save yourself!" Here was his chance. He could have condemned his accusers, and every sinful man. He could have eased his father's pain. He could have ended his suffering. But Jesus said, "No!"

"But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people." ~ John 2:24 ESV


  1. Why is it that as children we love to use the word, no but as teenagers and adults we are afraid of offending someone if we use the word? "except you become as a liile child. . ."
