Saturday, March 1, 2008

Leap Day

It is amazing what one extra day can mean. February 29th, 2008 was one of those extra days. If you had an extra day, what would you do with it? I guess if you don't know, then you already blew it. Leap day has come and gone.

This was an extraordinary leap day for me. Besides the regular phone calls, a funeral in the rain, and other work, I had two good friends of mine call me about life changing decisions they had decided to make. One is confidential, and I cannot share it. I can only say that I love my friend and appreciate everything he does and I am confident he will continue to do.

The second friend I can discuss. My friend Wayne Snider decided to become a Christian today. After years of encouragement, love, and patient example from his family and friends, Wayne put Christ on in baptism. He recognized God's longsuffering on his behalf and was thankful. He wasn't going to allow his extra day, one among many, to be wasted.

People sometimes wonder why others do not make the commitment to become a Christian sooner. Why not when they first hear the good news? Why not once they are convinced it is the right thing to do? Why not, when they are tempting the possibility of a tomorrow never realized? I have learned that these questions have no specific answer. Each person must make the decision in their own way. While today is the only day that we have, it may be that today some are simply not ready.

But the love of God is the greatest and most powerful force in existence. The love of God works on the heart of every man. With time and encouragement, it can conquer.

One day many years ago, a man was baptized and went on his way rejoicing. On leap day, I know a man who had every reason to walk, and leap, and praise God. It was an extraordinary day. I am thankful to God for an extra day I will never forget.

"Rejoice in that day and leap for joy!
For indeed your reward is great in heaven..." ~Luke 6:23


  1. Leap Day is pretty special to me too. Our oldest daughter was born on this day. She turned "5" this year.
