Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Reason for the Season

As I was growing up, whenever I saw the phrase, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season", my first thought was that this must be a denominational person or group who has posted this message. After all, I knew that December 25 was just another day, and it was not likely that this was the birthday of Jesus. I knew the church that Jesus established never celebrated His birth. I knew that the only day the Bible teaches Christians to commemorate is the first day of every week.

If you were raised like me, this holiday season has always been about Christmas trees, presents, Santa Claus, and getting together with friends and family. It is not a religious holiday. I am confident that this is as it should be, for we have no authority to make December 25 a holy day. I urge you to do some study on the origin of the holiday before deciding for yourself and your family on this issue.

But regardless of how people choose to celebrate Christmas, I have to admit that for a preacher this is a pretty sweet time. I am trying my best to get non-beleivers to believe in God. I am constantly urging believers to think about Christ and the church. I am striving to get the wayward members to come home to God. And this is the one time of year, that nearly everyone in our country and many around the world recognize that Jesus is real. Not only do they regonize Him, but they extol Him and give glory and praise to God for the gift of His Son.

It is always interesting to get Christmas cards from members of the church. Some are religious cards and some are not. Based on the cards I can see how they celebrate or think about Christmas. It reminds me that we need to educate ourselves regarding what we should believe and practice. It also reminds me that people are generally good and kind and thoughtful, and they really want to be this way all of the time. Christmas just gives them a reason to remember how they should be.

At the end of it all, I know Jesus is the reason for every season! After all, He made the world and everything in it! And I admit unashamedly that I am glad to hear so many people unafraid to acknowledge Him every December - even if it is only for a short period of time.

"For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." ~ Luke 2:11


  1. Could not agree with you more. It feels me with joy to see so many people attending Church on Christmas (and Easter) hearing the Word of God. I pray that the words spoken and the fellowship these individuals receive that day open their hearts to the love the Lord has for them and creates a desire to learn and grow in that love.
