Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Friend David

For all of those who read the blog, thanks for your patience as I have been out of town. We'll get started again with an archive article of mine. I hope you enjoy it.

I met my friend David in 1980 at the Buena Park church of Christ. David Dominguez and I shared almost everything in common. We were the same age, liked the same things, and we were raised in Christian homes. Many times we would spend Sunday afternoons after services together at my house or his. We would watch the L.A. Raiders. We also liked to watch old episodes of The Three Stooges. We played together, got into trouble together, and spent most of our time at the church building together. It was a great blessing to have a close friend like David during my early years.

I met my friend David while preaching for the New Providence church of Christ. David Shearer was first introduced to me through a letter I received in the mail. Our congregation was looking to do mission work somewhere in the states. Marshalltown, Iowa gave us our fist opportunity. After many conversations on the phone, David and I became good friends. We still talk nearly every Monday. I have been to Iowa, and he has been to my home in Kentucky and now my home in Tennessee. He is a fellow worker in the kingdom I can rely on and whom I respect. It is a blessing to have a close friend who understands the ups and downs that go with preaching.

I met my friend David at the Chaparrall’s steak house in Lawrenceburg, TN. David Pinckley and his wife Frances had come to meet the “candidate preacher” and his family. Now I see David almost every day. If I need to talk to somebody I can always count on David. He supports me and encourages my family. He is as giving as any man I have ever known. He loves the church and he loves people. He is hard working and dedicated. He is fun to be around, and laughter fills his office. He is like a father to me. It is a blessing to have David in my life.

I met my friend David in the Pulaski St. church building. David Burdine is younger than I am, but every time I see him and spend time with him he teaches me another lesson I desperately need to learn. He is a kind and compassionate person. He does more for the elderly than any 28 year-old I know. Worship and Bible study are exciting experiences for David. His willingness to sacrifice himself for the cause of Christ is limitless. He is always building up and never tearing down. As a younger Christian he is a reminder to every mature Christian about what they ought to be and just how great it is to be God’s child. It is a blessing to have a guileless Christian example like David.

“…But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” – (Prov. 18:24).

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy,

    What an honor! Thank you for your friendship. I will always consider you my friend. Our shared faith is the biggest blessing of all! God bless you and your family.

    David Dominguez
